Before choosing a product, you can contact our store. We are at your disposal every day from Monday to Friday during our office hours from 9:00 am to 8 pm CET. Call us or write to us, we will try to answer your questions within 1-24 hours.
When looking for a product, you can use several methods.
If you know the name of the product (even partially), just use the search engine at the top of the page marked with a magnifying glass.
If you are looking for a given brand / manufacturer, just select the Manufacturer from the menu, which are on the selection bar in the browsing options (in a given category).
If you are looking for a product type, e.g. leggings, shorts, tank tops, knee-high socks, etc., use the main MENU or the Side Menu.
If you are not sure what product you are looking for, you can simply search the entire MENU depending on whether you are interested in products for women, men or children.
Add the selected product to the basket, selecting the appropriate variant and size, select the type of delivery and payment – accept, go to the purchase with registration or without registration. Pay for your purchases or choose a delivery method for cash on delivery and enjoy your purchases.
Availability states
Availability statuses at will show you whether the product is currently in our warehouse. In the event of its absence in stock, information will appear – expected delivery or “on demand”. This means that we only realize the product on the basis of a submitted and paid order. The order fulfillment time is from 3 to 14 days (depending on the assortment). If you find the information next to the product that the article is unavailable, it most likely means that the batch of goods has already run out.
We fulfill the shipping within 24 hours. We send your order by the supplier of your choice. The package will reach you in accordance with the delivery schedule of individual suppliers. Details about delivery times can be found in the summary of your cart after providing your address and choosing the courrier of your choice.
Payment methods.
You can use many payment methods. The store supports credit cards, you can use fast online payments, supported by Bluemedia and Przelewy24, PayPal platforms. Details can be found in the tab: Payment methods.
Discounts and promotions
The store periodically uses a system of discount coupons, individual discounts and loyalty points. We inform customers about promotions and how to collect benefits on the store’s website in the tab: Loyalty program and in the leaflet attached to the order.
If you have questions about the product range, size selection, please contact us by phone, WhatsApp: +48 606262609, by e-mail: or via Facebook or Instagram.
We are happy to help!